virgin islands scene

Man can be defeated but not destroyed.
-- Ernest Hemingway


Wednesday, July 7, 1999

Choose to succeed

Think for a moment not about what is happening to you today but rather about what you have chosen for today. Most of the external things will go right along no matter how you react to them. Your choices, not your circumstances, are what will determine the quality of this day, and of your life.

You can choose to pursue the great opportunities which are in front of you. You can choose to make progress in spite of the difficulties which confront you and the obstacles that stand in your way. You can choose to make a difference.

You can choose to be effective. There are plenty of excuses not to. It’s all too easy to give in to the seemingly overwhelming circumstances. Yet you always have another path. You can choose the quality and the outcome of this day by the actions you decide to take.

It’s your choice. Choose to make it a great and successful day.

— Ralph Marston

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