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Myths which are believed in tend to become true.
-- George Orwell


Thursday, July 8, 1999

Make it big

Start small. It is where everyone starts. It is where every achievement starts -- as a small, fragile thought. Anyone can start small. That is the beauty of true success. It doesn’t have to be grand or magnificent in the beginning; in fact it cannot be.

Start small and then keep going. Keep growing, learning and adding to your achievements. Success is attained not by those who start big, but by those who maintain their momentum long enough to get big. Every day counts. Every moment counts. You can allow them to work against you, or you can make them work for you.

Where do you want to go? What small thing can you do right now to get you started? The most stunning achievements you could possibly imagine each began with a small thought, an idea, a desire to make a difference. What is your thought, your idea, your desire? Follow it and keep nurturing it until it is real. It may be small now, but you can make it big.

— Ralph Marston

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