virgin islands scene

Flying off the handle sometimes causes hammers and humans to lose their heads, as well as their effectiveness.
-- William Arthur Ward


Wednesday, April 7, 1999

Be good to you

Make it a point today to do something nice for a very important person in your life -- you! In order to give of yourself to others, you must first have something to give. So enjoy life. Have fun. Indulge yourself. Be good to yourself. How can you hope to bring happiness to others, if you are not happy?

Enjoy this day. Do something special for you. In the midst of frustration, even during a time of desperation, there is joy in simply being alive. There is nothing to be gained by denying happiness to yourself. Being happy is a choice that you’re always able to make, and one you can make without feeling any guilt.

You deserve to be good to you. And you’ll be a more effective, interesting, creative and productive person for the effort. Make yourself the kind of person who can really make a difference. Be good to you today, and every day.

— Ralph Marston

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