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If you have no critics you'll likely have no success.
-- Malcolm Forbes


Saturday, September 9, 2023

Make it your responsibility

Are you looking for someone to blame for a less than optimal experience? One useful place to look is in the mirror.

Have you found that some aspect of life is not all it’s cracked up to be? That’s a good time to honestly examine your own role in the disappointment.

Yes, there are plenty of other people and systems and institutions that can let you down. Yet many of them require your cooperation to do so.

That’s actually a good thing. Because what you’re responsible for, you can control, you can improve, you can optimize.

Maybe your disappointment is largely on you. And that means there’s plenty you can do to transform that disappointment into satisfaction and fulfillment.

Even when it’s not your fault, you can choose to make it your responsibility. Do so, and you’ll empower yourself to leave disappointment far behind.

— Ralph Marston

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