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The first hour is the rudder of the day.
-- Henry Ward Beecher


Monday, September 11, 2023

Be frustrated

You have plenty of reasons to be frustrated. So go ahead, be frustrated.

Then be done with it, quickly. Allow yourself no more than ten or twenty seconds of pure frustration.

After that time is up, drop the frustration. But hang on to all its energy.

Rotate that energy around to face in a positive direction. Do something useful, productive, transformative with it.

Frustration is a strong signal that something must change. Send that signal to yourself, receive it loud and clear, then get to work on changing things for the better.

Get good and frustrated, but don’t get mired in that frustration. Similar frustrations have led to great achievements for plenty of people, so work to make sure they do the same for you.

— Ralph Marston

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