Tuesday, June 20, 2023
Act on your opportunities
There are things you can do today that you won’t always be able to do. Now, while you can, act on your opportunities.
Life is yours to live in this moment, in this situation, with the world just as it is. Though it’s not perfect, it is nonetheless filled with valuable possibilities.
Go ahead and explore some of those possibilities. Though some will inevitably lead to disappointment, others will bring new treasures into your life.
Very soon you’ll be looking back on today and contemplating what could have been. Now is your chance to fill those recollections with more gratitude than regret.
There are good people in your life with whom you’ll eventually lose contact. There are resources, circumstances, and possibilities now available to you that you won’t always be able to access.
Before today’s opportunities fade into the past, make meaningful value out of them. The only time to live the unique richness of now, is now.
Ralph Marston

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