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I never knew a man escape failures, in either mind or body, who worked seven days in a week.
-- Sir Robert Peel


Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Pace yourself

Doing nothing is relaxing for a little while. But soon it leaves you feeling aimless and miserable.

Taking on too much is sustainable only for a short period. Before long it wears you out.

Pace yourself. Undertake enough to keep you involved, challenged, interested, growing, but not so much as to deplete you.

Push yourself to keep going, while stopping short of pushing yourself over the edge. Kick back, unwind, and re-energize your spirit, while taking care not to fall into sluggishness.

Your life is not a permanent vacation, nor is it an endless sprint. Learn to recognize the right amount of effort for you, and consistently apply that effort over long stretches of time.

Don’t trap yourself with too much action or too little. Work into a pace that enables you to make life the best it can be.

— Ralph Marston

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