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Your past is not your potential. In any hour you can choose to liberate the future.
-- Marilyn Ferguson


Tuesday, June 13, 2023

No guarantees

Today is not a sure thing. Don’t let that stop you from living it to the fullest.

In whatever you undertake, you’re rarely guaranteed to have a good, positive experience. Yet you can wring a positive experience from almost any situation.

Indeed, what would be the fun of doing anything if you could be assured in advance exactly what would happen? Life can be an amazing adventure precisely because it is so full of surprises.

If you’re insisting on guarantees you’re severely limiting your options. If you obsess over every new experience being exactly what you expected, you leave no room for discovery.

The most valuable things you can add to your life are not sure things. That’s precisely what makes them so desirable.

Whether you attain or experience what you expect, or whether you don’t, today is a great day to be alive. Let go of the need for guarantees, and live the unique beauty of this day no matter how it unfolds.

— Ralph Marston

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