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We fear things in proportion to our ignorance of them.
-- Livy


Wednesday, June 14, 2023

The old way

Let go and move on from what no longer serves a positive purpose. But don’t discard what is old merely because it is old.

If you discover that a particular new habit, perception, or technique is more useful, embrace it. Yet in the absence of a better way, stick with what works.

Just because something is new doesn’t mean it is superior. There’s a lot to be said for what’s been proven over years, decades, centuries.

The old way is not necessarily the best way. But neither is it something to be summarily thrown out.

A whole lot of things happened long before you were aware that anything was happening. From today’s perspective the past may seem unsophisticated, yet massive, enduring value was created in those times.

Go with what works well, with what makes the most sense. Whether it’s a new way or the old way, choose the best way.

— Ralph Marston

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