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Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one.
-- Malcolm Forbes


Monday, June 12, 2023

What you already have

How many valuable impulses do you never follow? What skills do you rarely make use of?

Are there perfectly good tools sitting unused in your closet? What knowledge do you possess that you’ve never applied to your life?

It’s reasonable and natural to desire more, but is more what you really need? Most likely you can be much better off by simply making use of what you already have.

The force that will cause that to happen is a strong sense of purpose. Put yourself on a specific, meaningful mission, and activate the skills, resources, and motivations that are already yours.

There are people in this world who would do anything to acquire what you already have. Open yourself to the many ways you can make use of it all.

Stir together some gratitude, passion, purpose, and imagination. Life eagerly anticipates all you can do with what you have.

— Ralph Marston

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