Monday, February 20, 2023
Intentional input
The quality of the question shapes the usefulness of the answer. The quality of the goal determines the value of the achievement.
What you put into this day has much to do with what you get out of it. Though you can’t guarantee success you can always make it a whole lot more likely.
Your expectations exert influence, and that influence is greatly multiplied when backed up by action. Ask yourself, what do you expect, and what are you doing about it?
If you expect to have endless rewards heaped upon you just because you desire them, you’ll be disappointed. Expect instead to give your best no matter what the challenge, and you’re sure to find fulfillment along the way.
Each choice opens up other choices, and every effort creates opportunities for further efforts. That’s why your intentional input matters so much, because it drives your choices and energizes your efforts.
Consider the intentions you are truly committed to following right now. Whatever you put in has a lot to do with what you get out.
Ralph Marston

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