virgin islands scene

We are hoarding potentials so great that they are just about unimaginable.
-- Jack Schwartz


Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Goodness is always there

You quickly notice what surprises you. You fail to notice much of what you were already expecting.

Precisely for this reason, almost all the news you learn about is bad news. News outlets are rewarded for getting you to engage with their content, and that means they must surprise you.

But that news does not accurately portray all that happens in the world. It mostly highlights what is shocking and unusual.

Every day there are thousands of airplane flights that do not crash. Every day there are billions of people who live routine and relatively untroubled lives.

Certainly everyone’s life can benefit from some improvement. Still, there’s a massive amount of goodness in life that goes completely unnoticed because it is so commonplace.

Even though you cannot possibly notice it all, remind yourself how very much of life’s goodness is always there. And be inspired to create even more.

— Ralph Marston

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