Saturday, February 18, 2023
Engage with existence
Possibilities dance around you, tempting, warning, inviting. Pick the one that best serves your purpose right now, and go with it.
Don’t settle for merely wondering what might have been. Engage with this magnificent existence you’re part of, and discover what can be.
Is the weather cloudy, sunny, stormy, hot or cold? Are the people around you disagreeable, helpful, distant, or kind?
Whatever the situation, there’s something good you can do with it. A few short steps away is a new experience ready to be lived.
In the next few hours you can transform potential into concrete value. You can pull some particular and meaningful form of richness from your imagination and bring it into reality.
Give yourself a big, healthy dose of the satisfaction that comes from participating fully in life. See what great things happen when you embrace the good fortune of being here right now.
Ralph Marston

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