virgin islands scene

Don't play for safety-it's the most dangerous thing in the world.
-- Hugh Walpole


Thursday, December 15, 2022

More than you expect

Expectations are powerful. Take care not to let their power blind you to the richness of reality.

You see what you expect to see. That can put you in danger of failing to notice what you’re not expecting.

As creative as your imagination may be, reality can be even more creative, interesting, surprising. There is much to experience beyond what you can imagine or expect, no matter how much previous experience you have.

This is especially true of the people you encounter. No person alive can be reduced to a standard, one-size-fits-all narrative.

Each person in your world has more depth and complexity than you can imagine. Recognize that, avoid jumping to conclusions, and everyone benefits.

Be guided by your expectations, but don’t let them close you off from reality. There’s a whole lot more goodness and substance in life than you can ever expect.

— Ralph Marston

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