virgin islands scene

An idea is a feat of association, and the height of it is a good metaphor.
-- Robert Frost


Friday, December 16, 2022

What matters and why?

Spend a moment thinking about this question. What matters to you right now, and why?

You have skills, resources, knowledge, experience, and people with whom you’re directly and indirectly connected. You have time to make use of all those advantages in the service of what matters most.

Unfortunately, it’s all too easy to get caught up in urgent but mostly meaningless endeavors. Or you can become infatuated by fashionable, alluring pursuits in the moment that have no value beyond the moment.

Five years from today, or twenty, you could be looking back at a lot of wasted opportunities. Or you could be celebrating a span of time in which you added great richness to your life and your world.

One major factor in deciding which outcome you reach will be how much you focus on meaningful purpose. That’s a difficult thing to do, and it’s also a highly valuable thing to do.

Every day is an opportunity to be intentional, to be purposeful. So get in the habit of asking yourself, of reminding yourself, what matters, and why.

— Ralph Marston

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