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A belief is not merely an idea the mind possesses; it is an idea that possesses the mind.
-- Robert Bolton


Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Respectfully disagree

When you disagree say so, with respect, with precision, with confidence and a sincere desire to further understanding. Have the courage and the compassion to be honest and generous with your perspective.

Truth becomes stronger and is clarified when it is subjected to robust and well-articulated challenges. As differing perspectives clash in a curious, respectful way, a stronger, more unified truth can emerge.

Winning an argument is a hollow victory. Building a higher level of understanding and cooperation has far greater value for each participant, for society at large, for truth itself.

You learn, you grow, you forge connections by doing the uncomfortable work of engagement. By respectfully voicing and examining specific disagreements you open a path to move toward agreement.

Every person with a differing perspective has a reason underlying that perspective, and a deeper purpose behind that reason. With sufficient engagement you can go deep enough to find common ground.

Respectfully disagree, with the goal of transforming disagreement into understanding. Seek what is true and useful and good, and employ plenty of honest effort to get there.

— Ralph Marston

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