virgin islands scene

A ship in harbor is safe, but that's not why ships are built.
-- John Shedd


Thursday, December 23, 2021

Follow what is good

No matter how many times a falsehood is repeated, it is still false. No matter how often the truth is denied, it is still true.

Just because something is trendy and popular does not make it good, or right, or beneficial. Make your choices based on what you’ve experienced to be true, not on what the crowd is chanting.

Being praised for doing something foolish does not make it any less foolish. Being scolded for doing the right thing does not make it wrong.

You are strong enough to see and follow what is good, and to avoid what is not. Use that strength to benefit not only yourself, but even those who oppose you.

There is much good you can do in your life, great value you can add to the world. Don’t let the frivolous, empty fashions of the moment discourage you or impede your work.

Summon your courage and live your life according to the highest vision you hold. Those values that have withstood the test of time will empower you to do the same.

— Ralph Marston

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