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He is happiest who hath power to gather wisdom from a flower.
-- Mary Howitt


Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Continue living well

You are confident in who you are, in the good you’re doing. With that confidence, step by step, you’re able to make real progress.

You don’t need the praise of others and you’re not discouraged by being ignored or maligned. With confidence, with purpose, you keep on going.

That going is not always easy, yet neither is it impossible. With one sincere effort and then the next, you make your way forward.

You enjoy the successes and grow in strength, in wisdom, in fortitude from the mistakes and defeats. You’ve learned long ago to be thankful for every experience.

For you, living well is not a matter of how you appear to others. It is being faithful to the truth that you know is within you.

Every day, in every circumstance, with every person you encounter, you discover new opportunities to strengthen that faith, to live that truth. This is your time, here is your place to continue living well.

— Ralph Marston

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