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If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.
-- George Orwell


Friday, December 24, 2021

Draw closer

Draw closer to those people you care so much about. Draw closer to the sacred moment that is now.

Draw closer to the love that powers your life. Draw closer to the goodness, the joy, and to the possibilities for expanding them.

Draw closer to the stillness where you can feel and think and be. Draw closer to the energy and enthusiasm of acting to make a difference.

Draw closer to be beauty that lives in every detail of your world. Draw closer to your own potential for love, generosity, gratitude and fulfillment.

Draw closer to the wisdom that grows from every experience. Draw closer to the truth toward which that wisdom always points.

Draw closer to all the good you’ve known and all the goodness you can now enable. Draw closer to your life, to all life, and to the best it can be.

— Ralph Marston

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