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Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
-- George Santayana


Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Sweet spot

Seek the sweet spot that’s more than nothing and less than everything. Not too much, not too little, that’s the place to be.

The extremes, in thoughts, in actions, in possessions, in feelings and opinions, can be glamorous and dramatic. Perhaps you could visit them occasionally but they’re not good places to set up residence.

What’s useful in moderation becomes exhausting and unsustainable when taken to extreme. In the things you do, settle yourself in the beneficial place between never and always.

Be enthusiastic, but make sure you stop well short of being overwhelmed with obsession. Be prudent, but not so much that you fail to ever do anything.

Set yourself up as a benevolent moderator of your own life. Recognize when your actions, words, or opinions stray too far out of range, and pull yourself back.

Inhabit that sweet spot where you can actually get good work done and get along with those around you. There’s plenty of room to be passionate without going over the edge.

— Ralph Marston

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