Tuesday, December 14, 2021
A life well lived
A life well lived seems like it would be mostly about what you’ve already done. Yet it actually can be about what you do now.
Now is your chance to make what you have, whatever it may be, into something good. Now is your opportunity to make what happened to you in the past into something good.
Your life up to this point has been the way it has been. There’s nothing you can do to change the way your past has unfolded.
Yet there’s no limit to what you can do when it comes to how your past affects your current and future life. From your past you can always carry forward inspiration, wisdom, knowledge, skill and much more.
What your past ultimately means, and how it influences you going forward, those things are up to you. Though the facts of your past are set in stone, the future they point to is yours to decide.
Do you want to have a life well lived? Right now is when you can make that happen, no matter what has happened before.
Ralph Marston

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