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Motivation is the art of getting people to do what you want them to do because they want to do it.
-- Dwight D. Eisenhower


Thursday, December 16, 2021

Start with integrity

Whatever you gain is only a gain when it is done with integrity. Otherwise it is at best a meaningless token, and possibly a whole lot worse.

Integrity enables everything it touches to grow in meaning and value. Every accomplishment of any significance comes about because the people involved are able to trust each other.

Living with integrity is difficult. Living without integrity is a bottomless pit of darkness and despair.

Start with integrity, continue with integrity, finish with integrity. With integrity your life improves, you forge your goals and dreams into reality.

You know all this because you’ve experienced if firsthand throughout your whole life. Yet the world constantly tempts you to act against your wisdom, so let this be a reminder not to do so.

Countless and widely varied paths lead to success and fulfillment. One essential value they all have in common is integrity, so you know what to do.

— Ralph Marston

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