Monday, July 19, 2021
Truth is all
Who you know yourself to be is far more important than what anyone else thinks of you. Being true to all you love, value, and care about is far more consequential than your level of popularity.
Ultimately, all you have is what is true. If you abandon truth, you are left with nothing.
It can often be comfortable and convenient in the moment to ignore the truth. Yet those comforts will slide away, those conveniences will crumble, and truth will always confront you.
Your best option is to willingly choose truth each time you can. Keep yourself aligned with truth and let its power exert constant positive influence on your life.
You cannot rely on finding truth in what someone says, no matter how well qualified they may be. You cannot even be sure of finding truth in what you believe.
Truth is in what you know, in what you live, and that truth is both difficult and undeniable. Put that truth into all you say, all you do, for there is really no other good choice.
Ralph Marston

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