Saturday, July 17, 2021
Forge ahead
You can think of many things to complain about. But complaining is not going to produce anything of value.
Put less focus on what is wrong. Turn your attention toward new, creative, innovative ways to support and expand what is good, what is right.
Leave behind your complaints and forge ahead. Leave behind the blame, anger, and resentment, and make yourself into a shining example of what a good life encompasses.
There will always be difficulties but they do not have to contaminate your experience of life. There will always be challenges, and you are able to transform those challenges into fulfillment.
Life is not some warm, soft, ultra comfortable refuge where no problems ever intrude. Life is the magnificent opportunity to deal with whatever comes along.
Live well by continuously looking forward. Forge ahead and make life good by virtue of the fact that you are living it.
Ralph Marston

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