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He only profits from praise who values criticism.
-- Heinrich Heine


Thursday, March 11, 2021

Profound responsibility

For your entire life you’ve been an observer. Again and again you have made note of which behaviors lead to desirable outcomes and which ones do not.

You’ve observed actions and their consequences in your own life and in the experiences of many others. You have watched, read, listened to, and passed along stories of success and failure from throughout history.

As skillful as you are at observing, you are much, much more. Because every day you put into practice the wisdom you’ve amassed from all the experiences you’ve ever known about.

Amazingly enough, every day you are in a position to learn from and improve upon everything that has ever happened. Not only is that an opportunity of unimaginable proportion, it is a serious, profound responsibility.

There’s a good chance your next action will result in success, if you act in accordance with all you know. You are indebted for that good fortune to everyone who has ever lived, and obligated to uphold their legacy.

Right now, doing exactly what you’re doing, you embody all of life’s priceless value, wisdom, and potential. Rise to the task of performing that role in the most beautiful and beneficial ways imaginable.

— Ralph Marston

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