virgin islands scene

Dreams never hurt anybody if he keeps working right behind the dream to make as much of it come real as he can.
-- Frank W. Woolworth


Wednesday, March 10, 2021

All that will happen

Think for a while about the days to come and remind yourself of this. You will have the chance to do your best, and you will be able to do well.

Life’s challenges will continue to test your strength. As a result your strength will grow and your skills will improve.

You cannot know all that will happen tomorrow, yet you can know this. Everything you experience has the potential to add richness to your life.

You’ll have opportunities to offer kindness, to practice patience, focus, and discipline. There will always be new mysteries to intrigue you, lessons to teach you, endeavors to enrich you.

There was a time when you never even knew about or cared about much of what you now value. Imagine how much more you will come to treasure and love as life continues to unfold.

In whatever may come there is goodness and value to be found. Step forward with confidence and create your own unique richness in each new moment that arrives.

— Ralph Marston

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