Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Treasure right now
Let all those thoughts about yourself gently drain away from your mind. Allow peace to take their place.
The issue of the moment is not you. The issue of the moment is the moment itself, its wonder, its beauty, its possibilities.
You can think far into the future, and deep into the past, but you don’t always have to. Quiet those bustling thoughts, and experience the fullness, the richness, the rightness, of now.
Thinking you have to be somewhere else doesn’t make you important. It just makes you miss out on the treasure that’s already right here, right now.
Stop fighting the fights that aren’t even here, and may never come. Let yourself be at peace, alive, in love, open to what can be, accepting of all that is.
You’ve come a long way to get to right now. Be peaceful, be present, live it now, and live it well.
Ralph Marston

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