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In this world it is not what we take up, but what we give up, that makes us rich.
-- Henry Ward Beecher


Monday, December 16, 2019

Power of determination

Tomorrow, many of your frustrations can be gone. Because you can do something about them today.

Tomorrow, many of your goals can be closer. Because today, you can work your way toward them.

Next week, next month, next year, even more problems can be behind you, even more goals reached. Because every moment provides the opportunity to make progress.

Are you disappointed right now with some aspect of life? That disappointment is pushing you to make a positive change.

Feel the disappointment, and along with it, feel the power of your own determination. That power is yours to put to use today.

The very things that would bring discouragement, can instead drive you into effective action. Accept those shortcomings, and let them activate your own ability to make life much, much better.

— Ralph Marston

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