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The secret to success is constancy to purpose.
-- Benjamin Disraeli


Thursday, September 5, 2019

Opportunity of today

There are things you meant to do, wanted to do, thought about doing, but never did. And it’s likely your biggest regrets are for those opportunities never pursued.

Yet in a strange and wonderful way, now you can also be thankful for what you never did. Because you freed up time, space, and energy to become who you are.

Even with the missed opportunities, even with the regrets, you have arrived at today. And today, you can take every past achievement, disappointment, good moment, and difficult stretch, and put it all to positive use.

The energy, the drive, the inspiration you now have, is yours to use as you see fit. Whatever you are now feeling, you can apply it toward moving forward.

Sadness, regret, gratitude, nostalgia, satisfaction, disappointment, all can be stirred into the mix. Combine their energy with a new sense of purpose and commitment, and do precisely what you choose to do.

Though the past opportunities are gone, their absence has presented you with the opportunity of today. Now you know better, and today is an opportunity you surely do not want to miss.

— Ralph Marston

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