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Living a life of integrity is one of the greatest missions we can undertake.
-- Greg Anderson


Tuesday, May 21, 2019


If you’re going to do something useful, then you’re probably going to be criticized. When you set out to solve a problem, you’ll quickly encounter someone’s criticism.

By all means, be open to valuable feedback. And learn to simply ignore the useless criticism.

Most people are open to positive changes, but a few will object to anything you do. Those few can be so loud and vicious as to seem bigger and more influential than they actually are.

Decide at the outset to push forward with the courage of your convictions. Become realistically and sufficiently convinced that what you’re doing is right, so that the criticism doesn’t get to you.

Listen respectfully to well-reasoned opposition, consider it, learn from it, and make necessary adjustments. At the same time, ignore the screeching and name-calling from those who have nothing better to do.

Know that the criticism will come, and decide that you won’t let it stop you. Make achievement your response to the criticism.

— Ralph Marston

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