virgin islands scene

God has no hands but these.
-- Mother Theresa


Monday, May 20, 2019

Your real life

Fantasy is fun and entertaining, and certainly has its place. Yet as attractive as fantasy may seem, real life is far better.

Unlike fantasy, where everything is simple and awesome, real life is complicated, inconvenient, fraught with challenge. And that’s what makes real life so incomparably fulfilling.

Fantasy may excite you, but it will never satisfy your deep desire to make a real difference in the real world. Fantasy can ignite your imagination, yet actual effort is necessary to transform what you imagine into reality.

Reality, with all its problems, contradictions, frustrations, and disappointments, is where your efforts matter. Reality is where you push through the challenges and work to lift yourself above the difficulties.

Right here, right now, on this gritty, uneven expanse of reality, is where you do what you do best. This is where you experience yourself making a real difference, and know how good and right it feels.

Indulge yourself in some enjoyable fantasies every once in a while. Then take that positive energy and invest it in the true fulfillment available exclusively in your real life.

— Ralph Marston

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