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Restlessness and discontent are the first necessities of progress.
-- Thomas Alva Edison


Saturday, February 2, 2019

Grow stronger

New strength begins with your willingness to be stronger. Once you choose inside to be stronger, you are.

Decide to be more resilient, and you have what it takes to live up to that decision. Commit to be more courageous, more disciplined, more purposeful, more tolerant and generous, and suddenly you are.

No person, no situation, no deficiency is stopping you from growing in strength with every experience. It’s a choice you can make again and again.

It’s easy to hide from your own potential strength, and many people will enable you to do so. But your better choice is to connect with that strength, put it to good use, and make more of it.

What if some of the things that previously filled you with dismay and fear, were suddenly to inspire courage and determination? What if you decided that yes, you can do some good and useful thing you’ve always told yourself you could never do?

The strength you have is the strength you choose to allow and develop in your life. Think strong, act strong, and grow stronger with each passing day.

— Ralph Marston

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