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Every great work of art has two faces, one toward its own time and one toward the future, toward eternity.
-- Daniel Barenboim


Friday, February 1, 2019

Widen your vision

Focus can be good, valuable, and like every valuable thing it is also costly. While you focus on one thing you necessarily blind yourself to everything else.

For this reason, whether you’ve been focused on positive achievement or on negative despair, there are things you’ve missed. Your vision of the options and resources available to you, is incomplete.

Consider that whatever you’ve been through in the past has hidden some of your best opportunities of the present. It’s time to let go of the conflicts, defeats, and victories that are over, so you can gain access to the possibilities that are now.

Whatever you’ve been focused on, whether a desire, a frustration, a challenge, allow it to fall cleanly away from your awareness for a while. Open your eyes, open your mind, open your willingness to discover a new and better way forward.

You don’t have to abandon your goals and ambitions, and your problems will not magically go away. However, you can benefit greatly from widening your vision for a while, to consider options that your focus and commitment may have hidden from you.

Don’t let your powerful focus lock you into tunnel vision, and don’t let your persistence degrade into stubbornness. Widen your vision every now and then, take a look around, and make sure you’re not ignoring your best possibilities.

— Ralph Marston

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