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Practical people would be more practical if they would take a little more time for dreaming.
-- J. P. McEvoy


Saturday, October 24, 2015

Find some good challenges

You are a problem solver. You are well equipped to take on tough challenges and skilled at doing so.

But more than that, making a difference in the face of difficult challenges is an essential part of what makes you feel alive. Go too long without meaningful problems to solve, and life gets boring and tedious.

So how do you find those challenges that give you the opportunity to energize and enrich your life? You step forward in the direction of your dreams.

Make the commitment to build, support, create or expand something you really care about, and soon you’ll run into some formidable challenges. At that point, you can be sure the adventure has begun.

Even if you don’t go out and find them, challenges will eventually come into your life. So you might as well choose the ones through which you can work toward your dreams, in support of all the things you value most.

Put your capabilities to work by finding yourself some good challenges. Once the goal is reached, you’ll thank yourself for the great adventure you’ve been able to enjoy.

— Ralph Marston

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