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Show me someone who thinks that money buys happiness, and I'll show you someone who has never had a lot of money.
-- David Geffen


Monday, October 26, 2015

Be yourself

Your job is to be yourself. Some people will like who you are and some won’t, but there’s really nothing you can do about the preferences of other people.

What you can do, is be your genuine self. What you can do is live and work and speak and act according to what’s important to you, not worried in the least about what others might think.

You have the opportunity to live each moment in the service of all you love and treasure. True fulfillment will come from doing so, and not from the admiration of others.

Certainly it pays to be polite, respectful, friendly and decent to others. But none of that matters if you are not also your authentic self.

People can spot a fraud pretty quickly. It’s much easier, and a whole lot smarter, to be yourself.

You are unique, valuable and worthy of a great life. Be yourself, give your special gifts sincerely to life, and enjoy the beautiful experience of living as the real person you are.

— Ralph Marston

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