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Reality consists of the experiences we believe are real. What is real may or may not be the same for everyone.
-- Harry Palmer


Friday, October 23, 2015

Respond with kindness

Kindness makes life better for those who give it, for those who receive it, and for those who are around it. Kindness is something you can give, that continues to give to life as it goes far beyond you.

Being kind does not mean letting people take advantage of you. Being kind does not mean being naive or allowing others to get away with injustice.

Being kind is a matter of making the most powerful, positive choice in the way you respond. It’s easy to react with anger, spite, pity, revulsion or smugness, but more powerful, in the long run, to respond with kindness and respect.

When you disagree with someone, anger will push you further apart. Kindness, even in a disagreement, will help bring you closer together.

There’s nothing of value to be gained by trying to prove how much better you are. There is much to be gained, for everyone concerned, with kindness.

Whatever happens, see if you can find a way to respond with kindness. Keep kindness in your heart, and you’ll add real richness to your life.

— Ralph Marston

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