virgin islands scene

Action indeed is the sole medium of expression for ethics.
-- Jane Addams


Saturday, March 20, 2010

Feel the abundance

Go ahead, and let yourself be wonderful. It’s much, much easier than you think.

Nothing has to get you down unless you choose to get you down. Stop looking for reasons to place judgments on events and realize the abundance that always is.

Go ahead, and let your beautiful purpose flow out through your words and actions. Let go of the twisted reasoning that says you must hold yourself back.

It never makes sense to be any less than you are. Richness arises out of how much you put into each moment, not from what you hide away.

Instead of wasting your energy on blocking your true self, use that energy to create and fulfill and express in ways that are wonderful. Instead of constructing and maintaining doubt, release and nourish new joy.

It’s so much easier to be who you are than to try and pretend who you’re not. Go ahead, feel the abundance, and let yourself live its endless possibilities.

— Ralph Marston

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