virgin islands scene

Be careful what you set your heart upon - for it will surely be yours.
-- James Baldwin


Monday, March 22, 2010

Attachment to desires

Explore, honor and get to intimately know all the details of your desires. But don’t become overly attached to them.

Allow your desires to drive you forward. However, don’t allow them to define you.

You have chosen those desires and you have what it takes to reach them. Yet after you achieve them, or even if you fail to achieve them, you are still you.

Even without those desires, you are still a unique and valuable person. Whatever you desire, as important as it can be, is only one expression of who you are.

If, for some reason or other, that expression is lost or is blocked, there remain many, many more ways to express your purpose. Remember that always, you are able to move positively forward in your own way.

Follow your dreams, fulfill your desires with all your passion and energy, while at the same time being willing to let them go. And you will know true fulfillment.

— Ralph Marston

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