Friday, March 19, 2010
Be in motion
Do all you can, when you can, with what you have. Though it may sometimes seem that you’re not getting much accomplished, the only alternative is to get nothing accomplished.
To make progress you must be actively making an effort. With each effort, at the very least you gain experience, exposure, knowledge and competence.
To find what you’re looking for, you must be looking. To come across a great opportunity, you must be in motion.
By all means, go ahead and dream big, wonderful and meaningful dreams. Then let those dreams motivate you to get up and get busy making them real.
Circumstances may indeed push against you, but they cannot hold you back. Always, there is something you can do, some move you can make, some new approach you can follow.
Jump into life, get yourself in motion, and make a positive difference every chance you get. Persist, keep yourself moving, and you’ll absolutely get where you wish to go.
Ralph Marston

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