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The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance-it is the illusion of knowledge.
-- Daniel J Boorstin


Friday, April 18, 2008

Turning point

Your troubles can sometimes be your greatest blessings. Because those troubles will hound you relentlessly until you make valuable improvements.

Your troubles help you to see and understand your weaknesses. And that enables you to start transforming those weaknesses into strengths.

The best way to respond to trouble is not to curse it, but to do it one better. See each challenge as an opportunity to raise yourself to a higher level.

As with everything else, your troubles are what you make of them. You can choose to make each one a turning point to a more positive and fulfilled life.

Many of history’s greatest accomplishments were responses to terribly difficult problems. Many of your own greatest advances have been in response to challenging situations.

Choose to find the positive possibilities in everything that comes your way. And no problems will ever be able to hold you back.

— Ralph Marston

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