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Man is born to live and not prepare to live.
-- Boris Pasternak


Saturday, April 19, 2008

Free from worry

Stop worrying about being perfect. Just be sincere, honest and authentic.

Stop worrying about what might or might not happen at some future time. Put your energy and attention into connecting with the richness of right now.

Take a deep, refreshing breath and feel the freedom as you let go of every worry you’ve been holding. Experience the full power of your thoughts and actions when they are constantly pointed in a positive direction.

Allow your thoughts to support and encourage you rather than hinder you. Free yourself to deal effectively and successfully with what is real and what is now.

Get in the habit of choosing and following your best possibilities instead of worrying about the worst ones. Bring your highest intentions to life and leave the worries far behind.

Worry brings you nothing worth having, so choose right now to free yourself from its grip. Focus on what you can do and why, and experience the true goodness that life can offer.

— Ralph Marston

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