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The demand to be loved is the greatest of all arrogant presumptions.
-- Friedrich Nietzsche


Thursday, April 17, 2008

Move forward anyway

You may not get it right on the first attempt. Do it anyway, and you’ll soon figure it out.

People are likely to come up with all sorts of reasons why it will never work. Work on it anyway, and commit yourself to handling each challenge as it comes.

Something unexpected will probably happen, in your life, in your industry, or in the world at large, that will cause many of your assumptions to be incorrect. Move forward anyway, because you are perfectly capable of adjusting to changing conditions.

It’s possible that you won’t get the results you expected. Learn from the results you do get, and with your newfound knowledge you’ll discover ways to achieve even better results than you first expected.

There is no good reason to deny yourself the opportunity to accomplish whatever you choose to accomplish. Life is about making a difference, and you will never run out of ways to do that.

Whatever has happened, whatever they say, whatever the state of the weather or the economy may be, move forward anyway. Life is what you choose to make it.

— Ralph Marston

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