virgin islands scene

By words the mind is winged.
-- Aristophanes


Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Truly great

Life is not always easy. And that is a major reason why it is so precious.

Many of life’s best rewards are possible only because you must work your way through difficult challenges to get to them. If everything in life were easy, there would be no opportunity for real fulfillment.

If the only things you experienced were pleasure and comfort, it would be impossible for you to fully appreciate them. A life of total ease and a complete lack of challenge would be unbearably tedious.

When the next challenge comes your way, when the next obstacle blocks your progress, find it in yourself to be thankful. For the difficulties provide you with truly magnificent opportunities to create value, to find meaning and fulfillment in living.

The challenges enable you to give of yourself and to make a real difference. And that’s something you desire at the deepest level.

Life is not always easy. And because of that, you have the opportunity to make it truly great.

— Ralph Marston

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