virgin islands scene

We have art so that we shall not die of reality.
-- Friedrich Nietzsche


Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Success within you

The success you seek is a reality that already exists within you. Your actions are the way you express that reality and bring it to your outer world.

Achievement is not a matter of becoming successful. It is a matter of fully demonstrating the success that is already within you.

Success is not something that you must strive to obtain or acquire. Instead, it is a beautiful and unique gift that you are able to give to your world.

Every success, every achievement comes from within. Nothing can separate you from the success you desire because it is already a part of you.

When the success that is within you drives your actions, that success will surely and faithfully flow out from you. Live the success that is yours, and that success will surround you.

Choose in each moment to fully and lovingly share the success that is within you. The expression of that success will add great value and beauty to your world.

— Ralph Marston

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