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What man's mind can create, man's character can control.
-- Thomas Alva Edison


Thursday, December 6, 2007

Able to feel

Sometimes your feelings can hurt profoundly. Yet wouldn’t you rather have those painful feelings occasionally than never having any feelings at all?

Your feelings let you know you’re alive. They tell you, in ways that words cannot, who you are.

Through your feelings, you discover what means the most to you. With your feelings, you’re able to build rich, rewarding relationships.

Feelings can indeed be messy and inconvenient, yet they’re certainly nothing to be ashamed of. Without feelings, life would be terribly flat and empty.

When a feeling seems to be uncomfortable or even unbearable, choose to dive more deeply into it. Somewhere in there you’ll find something very positive, comforting and affirming.

You feel because you are, and you feel because you care. Those are things about which you can genuinely feel great.

— Ralph Marston

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