virgin islands scene

Discontent is the first necessity of progress.
-- Thomas Alva Edison


Thursday, November 15, 2007

Learn to love

Learn to love challenge, and you’ll fill your life with accomplishment. Learn to love effort, and your skills will grow more valuable with each passing day.

Learn to love making a difference, and doors will quickly open for you wherever you go. Learn to love giving freely of yourself, and you’ll receive more fulfillment than you ever could imagine.

Learn to love being the authentic person you are, and everything you do will be infused with integrity. Learn to love whatever work you’re doing, and that work will bring abundant rewards.

Learn to love beauty for beauty’s sake, and you’ll discover a wealth of it in places no one else would even think to look. Learn to love unconditionally, and there will be no limit to what your love can accomplish.

Learn to love life just because it is, and each day will be a grand new adventure. Learn to love the moment you’re in, and you’ll find richness in every direction.

Learn to love the possibilities, and you’ll make your way to whatever you seek. Learn to love no matter what, and you’ll discover what a miracle you truly are.

— Ralph Marston

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