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We grow great by dreams. All big men are dreamers.
-- Woodrow Wilson


Friday, November 26, 2004

Overwhelm the darkness

When there is a negative situation that you cannot change, focus your thoughts and energy elsewhere. When there is a pain that will not go away, overwhelm it with an even greater amount of joy.

It serves no useful purpose to get mired in despair over things you cannot control. It makes much more sense to do the very best, to achieve the very most, with those things you do control.

You can choose where to focus your energy and attention. Focus on those areas where you can have a powerful positive impact.

Yes, it can be easy to get caught up in the negativity of the moment. Yet it also can be surprisingly easy to shift your focus toward the positive, productive things you can do.

You are never obligated to be miserable. If you really want to contribute to life, set your sights on the value you’re able to create.

Don’t despair over the darkness that is beyond your control. Instead, shine your own light so brightly that the darkness is overwhelmed.

— Ralph Marston

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