virgin islands scene

Every great work of art has two faces, one toward its own time and one toward the future, toward eternity.
-- Daniel Barenboim


Saturday, November 27, 2004

Pleasantly surprised

Out there beyond what you know you can do, a pleasant surprise awaits. Out beyond your comfort zone, there is a precious treasure waiting to be mined.

Almost every skill you now possess was once beyond your abilities. Every place where you now feel comfortable and at home, was once unknown to you.

There are more things that you can do, higher levels that you can reach. Though they seem a little intimidating from where you are now, they can soon be comfortable and familiar.

Push yourself a little bit beyond what you know you can do. And you’ll discover something truly empowering.

You’ll discover that you can indeed step forward into unknown territory, and you’ll uncover valuable treasures you never knew you were missing. Your levels of confidence and competence will grow beyond anything you could have previously imagined.

Push yourself a little bit beyond where you are now. And you’ll be pleasantly surprised with where it takes you.

— Ralph Marston

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