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If you can imagine it, you can achieve it. If you can dream it, you can become it.
-- William Arthur Ward


Thursday, November 25, 2004

Connect to abundance

From where you are right now, a vast abundance stretches out in every direction. Sometimes, though, it can be difficult to see.

Yet there is something that never fails to open your eyes to the abundance all around. That something is gratitude.

Gratitude imparts positive value and meaning wherever it is directed. It shines a brilliant light on the abundance and possibilities that life has to offer.

Gratitude not only connects you with abundance, it increases the richness of that abundance. The more thankful your heart is, the more there is for which to be thankful.

Take a few quiet moments and allow your heart to be thankful. The joy you feel comes from knowing, without a doubt, that you are connected to life’s goodness and abundance.

Go forward with a thankful heart. And your eyes will be opened to the best of possibilities.

— Ralph Marston

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