Thursday, December 19, 2002
Power of imagination
It will take you to places you could otherwise not go, and teach you things you could otherwise not know. It is your imagination, and it is one of the most powerful gifts you have.
Imagine anything, and in a very real sense you have already begun to make it real, to give it life. For everything you’ve ever done, or said, or created or become, was first an object of imagination.
It may seem that imagination is unrealistic, but that cannot be. For truly it is imagination that drives reality itself, as what is real continues to spring from what is imagined.
Imagination alone does not make something happen. Yet imagination makes it possible. Imagination can also make it better and more valuable. For imagination allows you to create and test, question and revise, improve and expand using nothing other than your mind and your time.
Imagine a better you, a better situation, a better life, a better world. And use the positive power of your imagination to make it happen.
Ralph Marston

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